Life is the two step

So I've learned how to add pictures to the blog.  I added a few to my previous posts.  You may want to revisit them to see what I was talking about.

Today we visited the Chicoy Sinkhole.  A natural hole in the ground about 75 meters down.  Inside it looks like a cathedral.  As much as it is a natural wonder, it  also has a deep spiritual history.  It has been used as a place for Mayan worship of the gods under the earth.  People wanting help would pay witch doctors to perform sacrifices in the sink hole to appease the gods for them.  At one time the spiritual darkness there could literally be felt, but in recent years as the people of the area came to Christ they would go and pray and rebuke satan there.  The teachers of the nearby school would take the school children there to pray and glorify God our father there.  Now the witch doctors don't go there because their rituals no longer work for them there. 
As we entered the hole and descended into it, one could still feel the spiritual battle but there was also the clear sense that the battle has been won and that we were walking in as victors in Christ.  We were encouraged to pray and leave behind the things that were weighing us down and separating us from God.  As we walked out into the sunshine we felt renewed and rejoiced in all that Christ has set us free from.

We got to meet some more of our sponsorship children today.  It is such a blessing to meet them in person and begin to get to know them.  I must say the hugs of gratitude are the best.  It amazes me how much love you can feel for a person you just met and receive a similar love back!
We heard how the children that are sponsored and go to the school feel so strongly that others should have the same opportunities, that they organized a day of service to travel to communities in the mountains and share with them what they had received.  Their witness led some children from the mountain to come to school.  They walk 45 minutes down the mountain to attend school every day.  And trust me, from the little bit of hiking that we have done, it is no easy walk.

We are learning so much from these children as we work and play with them.  Their sincere devotion to the Lord and gratitude for His blessings reminds us all to keep Christ first in all things.

We also learned today to approach life from a "two step" perspective.  Step one "What do you want me to do Lord?",  Step two "Take the first step to do what He instructs you to do".  Repeat continually, one step at a time.
We were obedient to His call to come to Guatemala.  Our steps here have clearly been directed by Him.  The Guatemalans have repeatedly told us that we are not here by coincidence.  They tell us that because we took the time to come to Guatemala and share our lives with them, they know for sure that God cares for them.  God's plan is moving in all of our lives and we must listen for the next step!


  1. Thanks so much for the wonderful updates on your trip! I especially enjoy the added pictures. We're keeping you folks in prayer, asking the Lord's blessing on each one, and looking forward to hearing more about your trip when you return home! Many blessings and lots of love!!


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